Section Three: More Tenchi Muyo
Subsection 1: Articles
  The Four Houses of Jurai
  by AstroNerdBoy; original translations by R-Balouta, Watotsu, and Hiroko-sensei from Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru 21 Seiki-ban 1; additional contributions by MaryRN51, True Sheol, and Oni Shin.

Members of the Four Houses of Jurai.


Section 1 : Introduction
One of the things that has been of great interest to many Tenchi fans is the political structure of Jurai.  Many fans have known there were four royal houses, but details have been scant to the English-speaking public.  So when I obtained a copy of 21st Century, it was top on my list to be translated because I knew it contained information on the four houses. 

The information in this article comes primarily from the doujinshi Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru 21 Seiki-ban 1, but also the novel Jurai as well.  In time, I'll be adding additional information from other materials as translations of those materials become available, including greater details from Jurai.

Because of the length of this article, there are multiple pages, with the other Houses getting their own page.  So to make navigating to the House you are most interested in, I've provided links here:

I'd like to thank everyone who made contributions, especially those who took the time to translate and further enlighten the English-speaking fans.  If you want to help, we can use more translators because there's a lot to bring to light.  Feel free to contact me about this.

Section 2 : House Masaki
House Masaki is considered to by the symbol of royalty on Jurai.  This is due to the fact that one of the pioneers on Jurai is also the founder of this house.  This unnamed man (seen at left) would also go on to become the first emperor of Jurai.  It was he with whom Tsunami made a promise to protect him and his descendants.  That protection would come in the form of the Royal trees.

His meeting with Tsunami is due to his sister, named Masaki (seen at right). (1)  Apparently, she and her brother got into a disagreement of some kind and she ran away.  While looking for her, he came upon a giant female humanoid who was sleeping.  This female is Tsunami and she had been asleep so long that her extremities had begun to turn into a tree.  Within this man, she detected that from his descendants would emerge the potential of the higher-powered (or at least, a previously unknown) kami -- Tenchi. 

So, Tsunami made her promise to this man, then converted her giant humanoid body into a tree.  That tree is now known as Tenju and is the home of the Royal Palace.  The tree is known as the uterus and in addition to being the foundation of the Royal Palace, it is also where the Royal trees (Tsunami's children) reside.  While not a true Royal tree, Tenju is semi-intelligent.  Indeed years later, a member of House Amaki, Mitsuki, was discovered to have the ability to link with Tenju and know all that went on within the palace.

The giant form of Tsunami-sama met by the man who would be the first emperor of Jurai.

This image shows Masaki's oniichan (who would become the first Emperor of Jurai) climbing the branches of what turned out to be Tsunami (top left quadrant).  The remaining quadrants show him compared to Tsunami.

The first emperor of Jurai didn't want the responsibility.  Indeed, he planned to push the leadership of the newly-founded Jurai onto Masaki, then run away.  However, Masaki was a bit to clever for her oniichan and with her Royal tree-ship, she ran away instead by embarking on a exploration quest.  Indeed, it is Masaki who founded Earth and registered it as a colony of Jurai. Masaki apparently gave birth to at least one child while on Earth.

Her oniichan launched a search to find his younger sister, but he failed to find her.  He cried over the loss of his younger sister, but mainly because she had managed to foil his plans to push the leadership on her and run away when he had been so desperate to do so. 

Over a long period of time, House Masaki began to decline in status and in population.  This has been attributed to the fact that members of House Masaki weren't all that interested in royal matters.  Further, their members tended to easily get into trouble which would caused large numbers of them to have to resign their royal status.  As such, the other Houses have a love-hate relationship with House Masaki.

This is the setting when Masaki Amane Jurai would meet her future husband Yotsuga Kazuki.  Kazuki was a cadet in Galaxy Police who was stationed on Jurai.  The people of Jurai would challenge new GP members stationed on their planet by staging an event where a girl would be assaulted by a group of drunken men.  The GP officer would be required to rescue the lady from the men.  If he could do this, Jurai would accept the officer.  If not, Jurai would send them back.  This would not be an easy task since the drunken men would in fact be Juraian warriors, whom no normal person could hope to defeat.

Upon arriving on Jurai, Kazuki encountered a group of drunk men assaulting a woman.  However, unknown to all around, these men weren't part of the test, but were real drunks.  So folks watched the brawl between Kazuki and these drunks and did not intervene when he took a beating.  Amane was there with her friends to watch the challenge, but she noticed that something wasn't right in that the drunks were not in the proper place.  Doing a little more investigation, she quickly learned that this in fact was not the scheduled trial, but a real fight.  As such, she stepped in, rescued Kazuki, and sent the drunks packing.

Amane marveled that Kazuki did not use his blaster in the fight.  Kazuki expressed his concern over accidentally hurting bystanders, which caused an amused Amane to say, "Oh, there is no one clumsy enough here to be shot by you."

Because the girl got away, it was decided that Kazuki had passed his test.  Further, Amane decided as an apology for the incident,  to train Kazuki in the Juraian martial arts.  While she was amazed at his foolish behavior, she did admire his determination.  Over time, she fell in love with Kazuki and he with her.

Once Kazuki's tour of duty was over, Amane found she did not want to be parted with him.  To marry Kazuki and remain with him was in conflict with her duties as a member of House Masaki and royalty of Jurai.  As such, she chose to leave House Masaki.  To do this, she was forced to plant her Royal tree into the soil of Jurai, thus cutting it off from Tsunami's power and eventually turning it into a normal tree.  Once this was done, she was free to leave with Kazuki.  However, she would not be allowed to return to Jurai and any offspring she had would not be allowed to return to Jurai as a member of House Masaki without two of the other three Houses agreeing to it. 

After leaving Jurai and marrying Kazuki, Amane gave birth to a son, whom they named Azusa.  It was about this time that the powerful member of House Kamiki, Kamiki Seto Jurai, took an interest in restoring House Masaki, who by this time had virtually no influence.  Things had happened which resulted in House Masaki having no one to lead it.

So when Azusa turned eight, Seto decided to pay her old pupil and friend Amane a visit.  Seto wanted to take Azusa back to Jurai in order to groom him to be the new head of House Masaki.  She had already gotten approval to proceed with her plan by getting House Kamiki, House Amaki (who currently held the throne), and House Tatsuki to agree to allow Azusa to return to Jurai as a member of House Masaki.  Young Azusa wanted nothing to do with Seto or her plans to return him to Jurai, even though his parents had encouraged it.  He didn't want to be parted from his parents and hated the fact that his mother would not be allowed to return.

However, Seto enjoyed a challenge and would not give up.  Amane predicted to Kazuki that Seto would eventually get her way by leading Azusa to say he wants come to Jurai.  For two years, Seto worked on Azusa by visiting him as often as she could, becoming like a 2nd mother to Azusa much to the chagrin of Amane.  By doing this, Seto had worked her way into Azusa's heart without him even realizing it.

It was a full-scale invasion of their colony by a group of pirates that changed everything.  Azusa's parents took command of the defenses of the heavily outnumbered colonist.  The 10-year old Azusa was in the rear of the colony, but additional pirate forces attacked the rear and he was the only one standing in their way.  Amane had trained Azusa in Juraian martial arts, so even though he was only 10-years old, he was no ordinary boy.  He was able to fend off this force of pirates for a time, but eventually was overcome and surrounded.  Azusa showed no fear of the pirates, but did believe that had he only been stronger, he could have overcome this pirate band.  However, he had to be rescued by Seto, who displayed incredible power while defeating hundreds of pirates.  Witnessing this awoke Azusa's Juraian blood and as his mother had predicted, Azusa willingly went with Seto to Jurai without Seto having forced him to do so.

For over three years, Azusa trained hard on Jurai under the tutelage of Seto.  While he did not mind the hard training, the cultural studies classes (2) such as tea ceremony, paintings, flower piece arrangement, etiquette, dancing, and more were not to his liking.  He often attempted to run away from Seto rather than attend dance class.  Seto used Azusa's flight from class as additional training, even though he was likely unaware of this at the time.

During one such flight from a cultural class, Azusa got caught in a transporter port, which he assumed was a trap set by Seto.  Instead, he'd been "captured" by one Amaki Mitsuki.  The 13-year old Azusa was captivated by her beauty and after learning that she was in frail health, he spent time with her and a friendship began.  However, this was a forbidden friendship since only a select few could visit her due to a severe crime she committed as a child.  (3) Shuuzan, the head of House Amaki, attempted to use this against Azusa, but was prevented by Seto-sama. 

Instead, the Supreme Council decided to have Azusa attend the Royal tree selection ceremony.  This ceremony was witnessed by the Emperor, the head of House Tatsuki, Tatsuki Kotono Jurai, Seto, and Mitsuki.  The ceremony proceeded with Azusa advancing to the level where the 2nd-generation Royal trees resided.  However, no 2nd-generation tree chose him as a partner, which meant that Azusa would be only the 4th person in the history of Jurai to officially be chosen by a 1st-generation Royal tree.

Mitsuki went with Azusa for his choosing.  She'd never officially been partnered with a Royal tree, but five 1st-gen trees were keeping her alive, with one tree unofficially being her partner. (4)  Due to her special relationship with this still unnamed tree, the tree agreed to partner with Azusa, whom he named Kirito ("Sealing Fog," after a story Mitsuki had told him).  Mitsuki died and in honor of their special friendship, Azusa placed her into a reservoir of crystal sap from the Royal tree, where she remains to this day. 

With Azusa partnered with a 1st-gen tree, he was immediately the leading candidate to be emperor once the current emperor died.  Thus House Masaki had risen from a nothing house to the house almost certain to produce the next emperor.

Azusa took Kirito, now housed within a core unit and placed in a tree-ship hull, and his "droid" guardian Jiji on a warrior striving journey.  Seto continued her training of Azusa by staging pirate attacks on ships who just happened to have beautiful young women.  Her purpose in this was to make sure Azusa didn't cheat on the girl she'd arranged for him to marry -- Kamiki Misaki, Seto's still underaged daughter.  The second purpose was to make sure that Azusa does not succumb to his pirate blood and shirk his responsibilities as head of House Masaki once he experienced the freedom of the warrior's journey.

One distress call received by Azusa turned out to be very real indeed.  This time, his opponent showed signs of being no ordinary pirate.  Indeed, rather than run away, this pirate turned to intercept Kirito.  Azusa and Jiji boarded this pirate ship, where they are greeted by a pirate named Kagato, playing a neole, an instrument very much like a pipe organ on Earth.  A discussion between the two soon ends with Azusa using the Master Key, which was in the form of an energy sword, to attack Kagato.  The battle does not go well for Azusa, and Kirito, sensing the danger Azusa was in, evacuated him to safety. 

Kagato's ship, Souja, attacks Kirito, who's Light Hawk Wings are able to absorb the attack.  One of Kirito's LHW's are able to slice the Souja, damaging her.  This brings Kagato's fellow pirate, Ryoko, and her powerful ship Ryo-ohki on the scene.  Ryo-ohki is able to do the impossible and overcome Kirito's LHW's.  The ensuing battle causes a dimensional rip in space to appear.  As the three ships are about to be consumed in the breach when Tsunami appears.  She repairs the breach and sends Kirito, with Azusa inside, to Earth.

On Earth, Azusa is nursed back to health by a young woman and her family.  The young woman is named Funaho.  He comes to fall in love with her, and when a group of pirates who've made a base on Earth threaten her and her family, he battles and defeats them.   During his time on Earth, Azusa discovers Masaki, sister of the first emperor of Jurai, is still alive in astral form on the dark side of the moon. (5)

Azusa convinced Funaho to return with him to Jurai.  Shortly after they arrived, the Emperor passed away, ending his several thousand year reign.  This meant that the election by the four Houses would be held and Azusa would be named emperor.  However before this could happen, Azusa declared that Funaho would be his first wife.  The head of House Kamiki (husband of Seto and father to Misaki, who was betrothed to Azusa), Utsumi, withdrew his support for Azusa.  Shuuzan used this to attempt to be named emperor.

While the arguments raged over this bomb that Azusa had dropped on them, Funaho and Misaki both received a telepathic call by Royal trees.  This required an immediate selection ceremony to be held. Witnessing this were Azusa, Seto, and Kotono.  The pair were sent to the 2nd-generation tree level, but were not selected by any tree.  They went to the next transporter, where they were not sent to the 1st-generation tree level, but another 2nd-generation tree level that none of them had previously visited.  Here resided several very unique 2nd-generation trees, including the tree that had called to Misaki and Funaho.  This tree was actually twin trees, each a 2nd-generation tree capable of producing three LHW's.  Combining their powers, they were as powerful as any 1st-generation tree, with the added advantage that they would produce six LHW's.

Because a 2nd-generation tree had chosen Funaho as a partner, this put to rest the debate of the four Houses, and it was decided that she would in fact be first queen instead of Misaki.  Further, it was learned that Funaho in fact was a descendant of Masaki, the younger sister of the first emperor of Jurai.  This fact was only known by a select few top officials on Jurai.

Azusa was made Emperor.  Because Azusa could no longer be the head of House Masaki, Funaho took that role.  Funaho and Misaki became good friends and very much like sisters, which is why Misaki addresses Funaho as "oneesan."  Six years later, Azusa and Funaho are officially married.  Four years later, their son Yosho is born.  Five years later, Azusa and Misaki are married. 

Three years later, Aeka is born to Azusa and Misaki.  Also at this time, young Yosho attends his selection ceremony.  Like his father, Yosho is also chosen by a 1st-generation Royal tree, making him only the 5th Juraian to be so chosen.  This made Yosho next in line to the throne.  House Masaki was indeed the most powerful House on Jurai. 

Four years later, Misaki and Funaho arrange for Aeka and Yosho to be married.  Seven years later, Misaki gives birth to Sasami.  Three years after that, Ryoko attacks Jurai, causing Tsunami to assimilate the mortally wounded Sasami-chan, and causing Yosho to take advantage of the situation by pursuing Ryoko and thus fleeing from Jurai, his arranged marriage to Aeka, and his future responsibilities as emperor.


(1) Kajishima-sensei doesn't state why her name is Masaki which is the same as the family (house) name, but Masaki Masaki does seem an odd name.  Then again, why K-sensei didn't give a name to her oniichan (older brother) is a mystery as well.

(2) These cultural lessons are in fact Japanese cultural items.

(3) The full story of Mitsuki will be told later and a link provided.

(4) As far as we know, Mitsuki was never officially partnered with this tree, but the partnership was very real nevertheless.

(5) The details of Masaki's involvement with Azusa have not been translated.

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